In 2007, I published my first book. It was a thing of beauty. What most people don't know is that bringing my baby into the world took about ten years. And then some. The arc of the journey looked something like this:
I wrote: A lot.
I prepared: I took classes on how to write a book proposal and stellar query letter.
I pitched: I sent my stellar query letter to two dozen literary agents.
I crumpled: I was (graciously) rejected by every single one.
I revived: I found the strength to pick myself up, gather what I'd learned, and press on.
I recommitted: I took the entire book apart, opened up a new Word document, and started again.
I celebrated: I self-published. Sold many copies. Got the attention of a traditional publisher. Received a book contract to create a new and improved edition.
I began again.
Those are just the highlights, of course.
The real story that this abbreviated chronology is not telling could be more simply summarized with these…
Three simple truths about a soul journey:
Journeys do not always add up, make sense, or go in a straight line.
Every obstacle informs, and every step matters.
When you feel lost, you aren't. You just can't see what's up ahead.
It would take me years to see the unfolding of a bigger picture, and hindsight to appreciate the potential impact of bailing on my dream.
If I had quit, there would be no book on which to build a platform.
Without the experience of a no, I would never experience the sweetness of a yes
—a yes that would eventually lead to creating more companion books, and online courses that could reach a whole lot more people and change lives. And have. Beyond my wildest imaginings.
So you see, it doesn't pay to give up on your dreams.
The dream machine is leaving the station. The time is now. What are you ready to take a chance on? What is holding you back? 1
Ahhh 🙌🏼
PS, If you could use a little nudge in the boldness department, tap the link below to one of my favorite posts this year. It’s called “Bold Moves.” If you are a free subscriber and have not seen it, I’m removing it from the paywall this week for you to enjoy.
Your turn…
What are you ready to take a chance on?
What is holding you back?
Recall a time when taking a chance has paid off in your life.
In case you missed it…
Today’s post is excerpted from Day 113 — “Giving Up Doesn’t Pay,” from A Year to Clear: A Daily Guide to Creating Spaciousness in Your Home and Heart by Stephanie Bennett Vogt © Hierophant Publishing, 2015.
Without your year-long series regarding clearing, I would still have so much junk and clutter left behind by my husband when he left. I was sad and overwhelmed, and never dreamed I could get rid of it all. Thanks to the advice, day by day, from this course, I made progress I never dreamed was possible. Thanks again!