Bold Moves
What a bigger-than-life visit to Paris (and advice to a 13 year-old) showed me about living large
Having just returned from a week with family in Paris, a city that screams beauty and art everywhere you look, it was a letter that arrived in my email inbox recently that inspired me to go bold today with this photo series.
I was inspired by a letter written by Australian musician, Nick Cave in response to 13 year-old fan who asked: “How do I live life to its absolute fullest, and not waste my potential?”
His reply:
Read. Read as much as possible. Read the big stuff, the challenging stuff, the confronting stuff, and read the fun stuff too. Visit galleries and look at paintings, watch movies, listen to music, go to concerts – be a little vampire running around the place sucking up all the art and ideas you can…
Fill yourself with the beautiful stuff of the world. Have fun. Get amazed. Get astonished. Get awed on a regular basis, so that getting awed is habitual and becomes a state of being…
Going on an awe-inspiring bender pretty much describes our one week blitz of Paris.
What you see below is but a tiny fraction of the bigger-than-life experience we had in the City of Lights. I’ll let my pictures tell the story. If there was just one thing I could add for context, it would be this quote by W.H. Murray:
“Whatever you can do, or you can dream, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.”
What is something big (or small) that could you move you toward taking a bold(er) step today? What amazes or astonishes you when you stop to notice and take it in?
Perhaps these photos can help stir the pot and get the energy moving…
Ahhh 🇫🇷🤩🎨🖼️
Be mused…
Take in…
Stand out…
Bathe in beauty…
Be playful…
Go for it…
Dance like no one’s watching…
Take one step at a time… and trust…
Enjoy every moment!