Here’s a thought to journey with today…
“Basically, you’re not alone in there. There are two distinct aspects of your inner being. The first is you, the awareness, the witness, the center of your willful intentions; and the other is that which you watch. The problem is, the part that you watch never shuts up. If you could get rid of that part, even for a moment, the peace and serenity would be the nicest vacation you’ve ever had.”
—Michael Singer, The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself 1
It would be nice to turn off the part of us that doesn’t shut up, wouldn’t it? To get rid of it altogether? But if you’re like me, it’s easier said than done. I’m not sure getting rid of it is even possible.
What does feel possible, though, is cultivating quiet as a daily practice: noticing the noise when it creeps in, naming it, and gently letting it go.
Like conscious breathing.
So how about it? How does the nicest vacation you’ve ever had sound to you?
You don’t even need to pack a bag, leave home, and travel the Red Sea.
If anything you’ll be doing a lot of unpacking.
Ahhh… 🙌🏼
I like this thought. It remotely reminds me of a part of Paramahansa Yoganandya's poem Samadhi: Knowing, knower, known as one.
Thank you for sharing this book and that quote. It will give me lots to think about. Cultivating the quiet is going to be my intention today.