I try to sit with it and feel all the things that the situation raises in me without reacting, blaming or distracting myself by being busy ( and geting exhausted) So... I take myself through a process based on some shaman practitioner training I did and ask myself. 1) What is acually happening?

What are the facts? 2)What are my thoughts, feelings and beliefs -what stories am I telling myself about myself or others ( which may not be true!!) 3) What might be possible ?.. without these stories or dramas I play in to 4) Maybe something new might open up ? Someting unexpected because I've let the light in rather than staying down with the weeds. I works for me if I am not too triggered but I am human and know that I sometimes just REACT!! Then I need to look at myself and ask the basic questions- am I hungry? have I eaten? Have I slept/rested enough? am I tired? Am I lonely or been with too many people for too long......... for me it's about change. If I want things to be differrent I have to change ( even through gritted teeth at times!) Doing the same thing again and again or reacting in the same way expecting a different result is actually crazy!

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Wow, beautifully put. Thank you so much for sharing your process, Steph. I’m struck by the level of self-kindness you bring to yourself… I had never thought of asking the very basic questions you mention in the end: Am I hungry? Tired? Of course that would factor in! … And your last line reminds me of the definition of insanity I heard somewhere: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” … Thank you for sharing your special ways of finding calm and equanimity in this bumpy, unpredictable world we live in. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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Oh and if I’m overwhelmed I pick one thing to clean. Do one thing - wash the bins, fold the laundry, sort one drawer. It helps!

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If I feel anxious I know I need to move - run, walk,swim. If I need joy I cycle on my bike very fast. If I need to quiet my mind or feel heaviness sometimes a nap and sinking into my bed, allowing myself to succumb, followed by a brisk shower, is the fix. Journalling. Weekly counselling. To do lists and mind maps. Music. It all helps

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Love this!!!

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Good words today Stephanie. We keep breathing in and becoming more comfortable being uncomfortable. I love the poem's wisdom and may we lean in to this today and always. Getting outside this morning and playing hard at pickleball helped me!

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Becoming more comfortable being uncomfortable says it perfectly. Thank you, Ruth!

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Thank you for sharing a poem that really helps us see the messes as part of life but we are not alone in what's becoming in us. Such a visual of the bird tapping on the shell. Timing is everything. Emerging new selves! Yea!

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