Oh such a great topic! I am a self aware rusher who has been working on being more present for many years with some success. Some.

I love all the reasons that the author Melissa wrote about. It’s such good exercise to ask why we are doing it. For me it’s usually because I’m disconnected from my body and think I’ll get to someplace easier. My mantra lately is to try to be more comfortable being uncomfortable. It’s such a joy when I realize I’m rushing and I do have to.

Years ago I was sitting around the dinner table with my lovely 3 girls and my sweet husband and I totally was absorbed with the next thing. “ now after dinner I want you to clear the table and then go brush your teeth and get your Jammie’s on and bla bla bla. My husband looked at me with a giggle and said “ and then we can do it all over tomorrow” in that instant I thought gosh. I don’t want to rush through their childhood. Where the joy in that? I confess I wish I had learned that lesson but it’s a continual lesson for me and that’s ok. I’m a work in progress and as they say in my meditation app” Just begin again” What freedom and no shame!

Here’s to the now in whatever we are going through as best as I can. And I say this with full knowledge that I have some hard things going on and worries but I can still enjoy my next breath.

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Thank you for this, Ruth. You speak truth for so many of us "self-aware rushers" and I love the beautiful ways you help us connect with it to become even more aware! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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Jul 24Liked by Stephanie Bennett Vogt

Thank you!

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Jul 24Liked by Stephanie Bennett Vogt

I get the thing about wanting the great moment to pass to go onto the next thing. I'm on holiday now, a full 12 days, should have been 14 but I got covid and that slowed me down. I must say that an extended time away instead of the usual 5 or 7 days has made the world of difference. I don't want to step off the slow, relaxed don't have to do anything or go anywhere vibe. Loved the article and great insights.

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Thank you for sharing your slow downtime with us here. Enjoy your holiday! May you carry your slow relaxed state with you when you return home 😉

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