“Not my monkey, not my circus.” I don’t know where I first heard the expression, but I adopted it. I love it for what it can do to stop those emotional rabbit hole situations from taking root and robbing us of our equanimity and power.
Yes, one simple, declarative statement that can cut through the noise, reduce emotional charge, and provide the space needed to gain some perspective and perhaps even
Use it the next time you’re unhinged by a polarizing news story, rattled by a family drama playing out around the kitchen table, or pulled in by the impulse to (yet again) help out an unsupportable friend.
Watch what happens when you finally take that step back and say
nope, not mine.
You may just discover that that little restless monkey in your head starts to lose its grip…
and get smaller…
and quieter.
Is there a challenging situation or worry in your life that you’re tired of carrying around?
Perhaps it’s time to consider that maybe… it might
not be your monkey
nor your circus.
Ahhh 🏡
I’ve loved this saying for a long time. Keeps things in perspective!
I love this saying! It’s actually an old Polish proverb. I try to remember to use it to not let myself get caught up in things I have no control over.